Klosterneuburg Abbey - Built Identity of Lower Austria

Source: TV21 AUSTRIA (Glomex)

The start of the Lower Austrian national holiday in Klosterneuburg Abbey is a lived tradition, which took place with a press conference of Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, the administrator of Klosterneuburg Abbey Prelate Maximilian Fürnsinn and Economic Director Andreas Gahleitner today, November 15. Time capsule message 2022 Subsequently, a message for the new time capsule was signed. This will be deposited in the church spire, just like the time capsule found during the renovation work. The signatories were: Provincial Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Prelate Maximilian Fürnsinn, Mayor Stefan Schmuckenschlager, Treasurer Anton Höslinger and Collegiate Parish Priest City Dean Reinhard Schandl. The content of the message is for the future generation, therefore it is not published, only the signatories were allowed to read it. After the signing of the new time capsule, Holy Mass was celebrated in the collegiate church, this year's celebrant was Abbot Petrus Pilsinger of Seitenstetten Abbey. Afterwards, the blessing of Leopold took place on Stiftsplatz.

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