Episode 7: Joke 18 - Animal Joke

Source: PULS 4 (Glomex)

Farmer Lois gets a visit from the executor. Does he say to you: "I'm sorry Lois, but the taxes don't look very good." You know it's not that easy. That's not. That's not easy. Almost nothing can survive in agriculture anymore." He says: "Yes, but I mean, that's crazy, you have to give me something now because you're incredibly behind with the payments." "Yes, what should I give then? I didn't raise anything. I don't have anything." He says: "Yes, now I have to see through a bit." They walk through the stable, he says: "Yes, please, there the bull. It's a product." "Yeah, but you know the bull, I can never breed cattle. That's my best boy. He jumps up and that's why I have calves. You can take some cold.” He says, “Well, well. I'll take the bull. He brings something. Not at the auction.” “What are you doing with a bull the tax office?" He says: "Yes, you're right. I can't take him with me to the tax office. You know what, leave it there, but it's mine. There's a cuckoo coming up now, it belongs to me." "You know you want. If you leave it there. Then I don't give a damn.” Well, he's going again, the executor. It takes less than 10 minutes to get on the phone. If the Huber Bauer takes off and says: “What is it?” He says: “You there is Maier. you know yours Neighbor." "Yes, what is it?" "Yes, the Mali would be allowed again. The cow. Would be to prove. And that's what your bull always did so well, Bruno. Gangat of? Because now would be a good time.” “Jo. Yeah come over Come over.” Well, he's coming with the Mali. They attach the Mali. The bull sniffs the back and just stands there. He says: "What is it? Come on, Bruno, make an effort.” He sniffs the back and just stands there. Says Maier: "Now I have to be honest, I don't understand it at all. He was always so busy with starting. Now he stands there and does pure stir." "Jo jo. I understand a bit. I get it." Does he say, "You get it? Why?” “The idiot has been an official for 2 hours.”

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