Winter wonderland: Ice-cold night and snowy splendor on Lake Constance


An icy night with temperatures as low as -8.0°C covered Lake Constance in a frosty blanket. Under a bright blue sky, the winter landscape presented itself in all its splendor. Almost 25 cm of snow covered the shores of the lake, while on Lake Constance's local mountain, the 1064 m high Pfänder in Austria, there was an impressive 50 cm of snow. Despite the cold, numerous visitors from near and far flocked to the Lindau Christmas market at the harbor. Against the imposing backdrop of the Lindau Lion and the majestic lighthouse, the market attracted visitors with its festive atmosphere and wide range of products. However, the popularity of the market led to traffic chaos on the access roads to Lindau Island. Numerous vehicles jammed up while visitors combed the surrounding area in search of parking spaces. Despite the traffic, the market shone in festive splendor and continued to attract crowds of visitors.

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