The reason why you should put toilet paper in the fridge

источник: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

Perhaps your milk has gone sour or your leftovers have gone bad, so that when you open the fridge you are met with a nasty smell. Is there a super efficient way to get rid of that smell? Yes. Toilet paper. Even though toilet paper in the fridge isn't the prettiest sight, the tissue absorbs the moisture in the air. According to Parade, this moisture can also contribute to mold, mildew and odors. It's recommended to use a fresh roll and not put it in the fridge where something could leak or spill. Baking soda is commonly used to neutralize bad odors in the refrigerator and has also been shown to be effective. Others on the internet claim that toilet paper is versatile: some claim it makes a good ice pack when frozen.

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