One year after the racist attack in Hanau: How are the bereaved?

Source: NEWS5 (Glomex)

The city of Hanau and its residents will probably never forget February 19, 2020 for the rest of their lives. A 43-year-old German had shot a total of nine immigrant people at two crime scenes in the Hessian city on that day. He then killed his mother and himself. The federal prosecutor attested the perpetrator a deeply racist attitude. Even a year after the racist terrorist attack, many questions remain unanswered. Findings about a breakdown in the police emergency call on the night of the crime or a locked emergency exit that presumably cost lives continue to stir up memories and shock about the terrible attack. "The problem with the emergency exit has been known for 20 years. The emergency exit has been locked for two years, according to eyewitnesses. And the worst thing is, the police knew that," said Armin Kurtovicz, father of Hamza Kurtovic, who was shot dead. The bereaved families continue to accuse the investigating authorities of serious failures. "There was so much failure here," says Goman. Great incomprehension is spreading among the relatives and Hanau residents. Could the murders possibly have been prevented?


of a emergency

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