"Bulle und Schreiberling" on "Die Akte Madrid" by Andreas Storm


A crime novel with many historical aspects is the focus of this talk by "Bulle" Sebastian Fiedler and "Schreiberling" Frank Überall: "Die Akte Madrid" by Andreas Storm (published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch) is about looted art, Franco's dictatorship in Spain and Germany's involvement in all of this. Among other things, the novel is about how people behave when they are in the public eye politically. On this occasion, Fiedler and Überall philosophize about whether they sometimes practice gestures and looks in front of the mirror - as described in the book... The planning of annual vacations at the police station and in editorial offices is discussed, as is the question of what role cryptocurrencies play in white-collar crime. The description of the "pressure to conform" in a dictatorship in the professions of cop & clerk is particularly topical - a no longer entirely irrational scenario against the backdrop of the "right-wing extremist meeting" that has become known in Germany. Last but not least, the two of them take a look at how they look on duty and at work. In Andreas Storm's book, the vice president of the Federal Criminal Police Office asks a subordinate to go to the hairdresser. Has this ever happened to the cop & writer in real life?

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