Boredom is actually healthy for your kids

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

More and more parents are feeling pressure to plan activities for every part of their children's day. With children spending more time at home than usual, it's important to remember that it's okay for them to do nothing. When a child feels pressure to complete planned tasks, they may associate these negative feelings with learning and school. Boredom is a healthy experience, and if children are left to their own devices, they will use their imagination to find something to do. Experts say that unplanned and unstructured time encourages creativity and independence. Instead of planning non-stop activities, parents should focus on creating a safe environment for exploration. Try replacing workbooks and coloring sheets with blank paper and crayons so children can let their creativity flow. Provide recycled materials such as food containers and newspapers for children to craft with. Giving children the space to discover things that interest them will encourage a passion for learning in the future.

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