Regular cannabis use can quadruple the risk of anxiety disorders

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

A recent study has revealed a worrying link between cannabis use and an increased risk of anxiety disorders. The study looked at 12 million emergency room visitors over a ten-year period. Emergency department visitors who used cannabis excessively were 3.7 times more likely to require treatment for anxiety disorders within three years. Even when outpatient visits were taken into account, the rate rose to almost four times that of the general population. The association persisted across different demographic groups, but was particularly pronounced among young men. While the study was unable to identify a single cause for the increased risk, the researchers did put forward some theories. These include self-medication of pre-existing anxiety symptoms, common underlying risk factors or direct effects on neurocognition. As the legalization and commercialization of cannabis progresses worldwide, educating the public about the risks associated with cannabis use is becoming increasingly important. As cannabis is now the third most commonly used drug in the world, it is important to understand its impact on mental health.


cannabis of risk

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