To eat or not to eat: Unraveling the breakfast dilemma


There's no end to the debate about whether or not it's important to eat breakfast, but both sides have good arguments. A quarter of the US population say they don't eat breakfast. Here are the pros and cons of skipping the most important meal of the day. One of the main reasons for skipping breakfast is to save time in the morning, meaning you have more time in bed or don't feel as rushed. Another reason is that people who want to exercise before work can't eat breakfast because they don't have time to digest it. However, skipping breakfast can increase the risk of heart disease as insulin sensitivity is impaired, leading to increased blood pressure. Skipping your morning meal naturally increases hunger, making you feel less energized, which leads to decreased performance. For some people, skipping breakfast is a good solution. However, if you suffer from problems such as brain fog and headaches, you should eat something when you wake up.

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